Bowen therapy
It is essential to know that the Bowen Therapy from SPA EliSara consists in applying delicate movements with the fingers on the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, from various areas of the body, either directly on the skin or over a thin garment.
These movements transmit messages through the nervous system, reactivating the cellular memory of well-being, health, balance and harmony. The ‘Inner Doctor’ is activated
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More about Bowen Therapy
Between the sequences of movements there are certain pauses that give the body the necessary time to process and assimilate the information received, thus triggering a response reaction and activating the self-healing process. During these pauses, the patient remains alone in the massage room for better reception.
All these movements, which are performed in a certain order, depending on the needs of the moment of the treatment, induce the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, hence the general state of deep relaxation that occurs.
Results can be noticed even after the first treatment session, with the healing process continuing in the following days. Often only a few treatment sessions are needed to resolve acute conditions. For chronic problems, a larger number of sessions may be needed, and for severe problems, protocols of 18-30 sessions may be required.
The therapist may focus on a specific problem or address the body as a whole. In this therapy, the patient’s body is not forced to carry out a particular command, but is allowed to take the necessary actions to heal itself, at its own pace and within its own limits.
Bowen therapy addresses the body at all levels – physically, emotionally and spiritually.
A therapy session can last between 10 and 120 minutes, depending on the problem you are trying to solve. At the first appointment, the therapist and the patient go through a history, which can last between 20 and 60 minutes. This is where the patient’s problems, needs and expectations are established.
Some necessary elements to consider are:
- since this type of treatment is similar to a program in which certain messages are given to the body, it is necessary to avoid certain actions before the 4-day treatment and the following 5 days, which can transmit messages strong enough to “jam” those given during the treatment, which would lead to the diminishing or even the cancellation of the expected therapeutic response. These actions are: massage, bioenergetic passes, Scottish showers, cold showers, hot showers, operations.
- Between two sessions, 5 to 10 days are needed, 7 days is optimal.
Some of the conditions in which the Bowen Technique has proven effective are:
- Muscle, bone and joint problems: stiff shoulders, knee problems, hip problems, sprains, ankle sprains, back pain, sciatica, kyphosis, scoliosis, neck movement restrictions
- Diseases or imbalances of the internal organs, infertility, migraines and headaches, asthma and bronchitis, rhinitis, kidney problems, digestive tract imbalances.
- Emotional imbalances, stress, depression, chronic fatigue
- Immune system disorders and autoimmune diseases, allergies, multiple sclerosis
- Neurological conditions: Parkinson’s, sequelae after strokes.
- …and much more!